Knowing the difference
Diagnosing LGSOC
Nonspecific signs and symptoms of LGSOC
- Bloating
- Pelvic or abdominal pain
- Trouble eating or feeling full quickly
- Urinary symptoms of frequency or constant sense of having to urinate
- Fatigue
- Upset stomach
- Back pain
- Changes in period patterns such as heavier bleeding or irregular bleeding
Distinct ovarian cancers
How does LGSOC differ from HGSOC?
- The World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours (5th ed) defines LGSOC as an invasive serous neoplasm with low-grade malignant features.9
- Initially, it was thought that LGSOC was on a continuum with high-grade serous ovarian cancer, but more recently, LGSOC has been established as a distinct and different ovarian cancer.10
- The complex biology and signaling pathways of LGSOC distinguish it from HGSOC and underlie the differences in their clinical course and overall prognosis.11
- Consultation with a pathologist experienced in evaluating LGSOC is recommended for accurate diagnostic classification.6
~70% of LGSOC patients have RAS/MAPK pathway-associated mutations.12-15
Differentiating LGSOC from HGSOC
LGSOC is characterized by low mutational burden, lack of TP53 mutations, no clear germline association, and frequent MAPK-pathway alterations.12,16
Histopathological and molecular characteristics between LGSOC and HGSOC.
Managing LGSOC depends on distinguishing it from HGSOC.
Histopathological characteristics5
Mild to moderate nuclear atypia
Low mitotic index (12 mitoses per 10 high-power fields)
Molecular characteristics
TP53 wild type17
KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, and PIK3CA mutations12,1812,18
Histopathological characteristics5
Tumors are pleomorphic with marked nuclear pleomorphism (>3:1 size variation)
High mitotic index (≥12 mitoses per 10 high-powered fields)
Molecular characteristics
TP53 mutation and BRCA1/2 mutations12
Distinguishing histopathologic features of LGSOC and HGSOC19
Hear from experts
Low-grade vs high-grade serous ovarian cancer
NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) recommend both germline mutation testing and somatic tumor testing for all patients with ovarian cancer, including LGSOC, at both diagnosis and recurrence.20
Germline testing
BRCA mutations rare in LGSOC (approximately 5%)21
Somatic testing
Can be helpful to determine prognosis and response to certain therapies22
Activating mutations in RAS/MAPK pathway promote tumorigenesis in LGSOC21
- KRAS mutations common (~1/3 patients)12
- NRAS12
- BRAF12
- NF112
- RAF123
Less common mutations found in LGSOC tumors: ERBB2 and PIK3CA13,23
Somatic tumor testing may identify patients for novel and emerging treatment options or clinical trials22
~90% of patients are diagnosed with LGSOC in an advanced stage, demonstrating the need for an accurate diagnosis.1,2
Healthcare provider guidelines for diagnosis

Diagnostic workup
Imaging in LGSOC
- NCCN Guidelines® recommend imaging in LGSOC, including chest/abdominal/pelvic computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography PET-CT (skull base to mid-thigh), or PET as indicated, and/or ultrasound (US). All imaging should be performed with contrast unless contraindicated.20 There is not one optimal imaging technique for low-grade serous cancer; however, a majority of panelists prefer CT to PET-CT6
Histopathology diagnosis
- LGSOC and HGSOC are distinguished using a two-tiered pathology grading system based primarily on nuclear atypia and mitotic index as a secondary feature5
Germline testing
- Germline testing for all patients newly diagnosed with ovarian cancer will help to better define the prevalence of alterations in rare tumor populations such as LGSOC over time.19 Although BRCA mutations are rare in LGSOC, patients should still be offered germline testing25
Somatic tumor testing
- At diagnosis, a somatic tumor testing panel should be conducted for LGSOC. The panel should test, at a minimum, KRAS, HRAS, NRAS, BRAF, NF1, and BRCA alterations.12,20 These tests can be helpful to determine prognosis and response to certain therapies22
- Reasons to repeat somatic tumor testing may include unpredictable clinical behavior, clinical trial eligibility, prolonged disease course, and disease recurrence6
- In the recurrent setting, tumor molecular analysis is recommended to include, at a minimum, tests to identify potential benefit from targeted therapeutics that have tumor-specific or tumor-agnostic benefit, including, but not limited to, HER2 status (by IHC), BRCA1/2, HRD status, MSI/MMR, TMB, BRAF, FRɑ (FOLR1), RET, and NTRK20
- Somatic tumor testing may identify patients for novel and emerging treatment options or clinical trials21
Pathologist consultation
- Consultation with a pathologist experienced in evaluating these lesions (LGSOC, SBT, etc.) is recommended for accurate diagnostic classification6
Accurate diagnosis and better understanding of what drives LGSOC may help patients who could suffer for years with poor quality of life.6 If not initially diagnosed as LGSOC, at first recurrence, reconfirm pathology.
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- ElNaggar A, Robins D, Baca Y, et al. Genomic profiling in low grade serous ovarian cancer: identification of novel markers for disease diagnosis and therapy. Gynecol Oncol. 2022;167(2):306-313.
- Thomson JP, Hollis RL, van Baal J, et al. Whole exome sequencing of low grade serous ovarian carcinoma identifies genomic events associated with clinical outcome. Gynecol Oncol. 2023;174:157-166.
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- Grisham RN, Manning-Geist BL, Chui MH. The highs and lows of serous ovarian cancer. Cancer. 2023;129(17):2613-2620.
- Referenced with permission from the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Ovarian Cancer Including Fallopian Tube Cancer and Primary Peritoneal Cancer V.3.2024. © National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. 2024. All rights reserved. Accessed July 17, 2024. To view the most recent and complete version of the guideline, go online to
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